Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 6, 2016

To SMART Transit.thumb.up

SMART Transit was named Transit System of the Year last month by the Minnesota Public Transit Association. The recognition was for the organizations’s excellence in transit service and successful merging and expansion of services. Congratulations! The recognition came as the organization this week announced that it has received state grant funding to increase service.

In the  city route, hours will expand to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. Previously, it was open  from 9 to 4:30 p.m.

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SMART Transit provides such a valuable resource to our community members, and we and many others are grateful for its continued growth.

To vandalizing or stealing political signs.thumb.down

It is good to disagree, but nobody should damage property for not agreeing with another’s views.

Let’s respect other people’s property — and avoid any potential problems with law enforcement, too.

It’s only a matter of a few days until the election is over.

To a federal disaster declaration.thumb.up

President Barack Obama this week issued a federal disaster for several counties —including Freeborn, Steele and Waseca counties — affected by flooding and severe storms in September.

The funding will go toward eligible costs for things such as debris removal and emergency protective measures taken in the aftermath of the storms.

While individual assistance was not awarded, we encourage federal authorities to consider including these damages as well.

To people who get involved in community discussion.thumb.up

We appreciate everyone who steps out of their comfort zone to get involved with issues that are important to the community. It shows you care about the community and you want to make a difference. Whether it’s attending forums, writing letters to the editor or running for office, we hope this effort continues past Election Day and well into the future.