Stick to the facts on Secretary Clinton
Published 9:30 am Friday, November 18, 2016
Allow me to educate Mr. Forman a bit, as apparently he is getting incorrect information from a non-factual news place.
As a country, we have spent more than $6 million dollars for the Republicans to find some wrong doing by Secretary Clinton in the Benghazi case. NO WRONG DOING WAS FOUND. Ms. Clinton was grilled for 11 hours by the Republicans asking one question after another, hour after hour, and NO WRONG DOING WAS EVER FOUND. Sorry readers for the all caps, but unfortunately, the attacks keep coming because these uneducated people keep going at her; they are angry and can’t handle the truth and will not pay attention to facts.
If you want to find wrongdoing, why doesn’t Mr. Forman investigate Bush as to the 9/11 fiasco? George Bush had many warnings that could have stopped it. In the spirit of 9/11, the Democrats simply felt it was time to move on as we had enough to deal with. I doubt the Republicans would have done that.
As to the server — Secretary Clinton basically did the same thing as Colin Powell and George Bush, among others. The federal IT infrastructure, in particular the State Department IT infrastructure and security system, was inadequate. Were they all wrong for having private email accounts? Perhaps, but maybe a better policy needs to be put in place. Don’t blame Secretary Clinton for common practices that most of those staff in those departments were doing to work around an underfunded and inadequately resourced department.
When Barack Obama was elected president, the Republicans made it very clear that they weren’t going to support him, even if good policies and ideas were put forward. John McCain made it clear that this was going to continue should Secretary Clinton be elected president. So yes, the rich cats got richer and the poor poorer due to the efforts of the Republicans. And yes, the Republicans were successful in dragging down the efforts to make America what it can be.
So now we have elected Donny Trump, who wants to build a wall, do away with protecting our waters and lands by bringing back fossil fuels, just for starters. Currently, Trump is waiting on trial for about 80 lawsuits. Not sure what the image of our country is going to be. Doesn’t look good, though.
Stick to the facts, Mr. Forman. You have continued to mislead many people.
Paul Tuveson