Published 9:00 am Sunday, December 11, 2016
Duplicate Bridge Club
Duplicate Bridge Club played Nov. 30 at the Senior Center in Austin. Six tables vied for honors which were: Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, first; Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher, second; Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins, third; Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz, fourth; and Eunice Michaelis and Warren Behrends, fifth.
Duplicate Bridge Club plays at noon every Wednesday at the Austin Senior Center. All bridge players are welcome. Players came from Adams, Albert Lea, Austin, Mason City and Rose Creek.
Hayward 4-H
The Hayward 4-H club banquet for 2016 was Nov. 13 at Hayward Lutheran Church. A potluck dinner started out the evening, then awards were handed out to the many very active members in the Hayward club. Retiring President and 4-Her Jenni Golbuff started the installation of new officers by installing the club’s new president, Best Wagner. Retiring Vice President Mariah Posthumus installed new Vice President Luke Dyvig. Retiring treasure Foster Otten installed new treasure Seth Wagner. Retiring secretary Bethany Tennis installed new secretary Mariah Posthumus. The new reporter is Louis Wagner. Retiring historian Sara DeHaan installed new historian Keygan Lundak. Retiring community pride officers Liana Schallock and Gigi Otten installed new community pride officers Tennis and Otten. Maddy Schei is club cloverbud activity officer. Retiring co-key leaders Rachel Schei and Cindy Golbuff welcomed new key leaders Al and Shari Wagner. In conclusion of the 4-H banquet, the club enjoyed a custom-made video of the 2016 Hayward 4-H memories, compliments of Deyo Video — thanks to the John and Lisa Deyo Family.
First Lutheran Church Women
First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. Nov. 9 in Bethany Hall. Prelude music was provided by Marilyn Chafee.
After the welcome by Co-president Janice Lestrud, Marlene Behle gave devotions on Romans 15:5-6. She read “The Wooden Bowl,” which emphasized living in harmony with one another.
Bonnie Trampel introduced David Olson, chaplain of the American Legion, who presented the program, “American Legion Honor Guard.” He gave interesting information about the American Legion honor guard, military funerals and presentation of the flag — including the history of firing three volleys. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion are very active in community events and funerals.
Julia Tonder with accompanist Chafee led the groups in a sing-along of patriotic songs such as “America,” “America the Beautiful” and “God Bless America,” giving some background history of each. Tonder also sang three verses of taps.
Co-president Marge LaFrance led the reading of the litany of Thanksgiving, and circles presented their thank offerings.
Lestrud conducted the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved as printed with a motion by Bonnie Schneider, seconded by Gen Montei.
Correspondence secretary Bonnie Trampel had received the following: thank yous from the families of Junior Dorman and Cecil Mulholland for serving at those funerals; an invitation to the annual Youth For Christ fundraiser at noon and 7:15 p.m. Nov. 10 at Wedgewood Cove; leadership news in Interchange, from Women of ELCA; and Perspective — the annual report from Plymouth Christian Youth Center.
Baskets for Holidays Ahead need to be brought in by Friday. There was also a reminder that secret prayer partners will be revealed at the December meeting.
The church staff will be guests of the FLCW at the noon Advent luncheon Dec. 7 in Bethany Hall.
The hymn “Praise and Thanksgiving” was sung during the regular offering, after which Behle gave the offering prayer.
Lestrud thanked the following: ushers Cheryl Moran and Sandy Narverud; greeters Mrge Moine and Arlis Smith; hostesses chairwoman Kathryn Olson and her committee and Mavis Bryson, Carol Colstrup, Nancy Fulfs and Judy Hoiseth.
Caring and sharing co-chairwomen Behle and Karen Hovde and their committee served two funerals in October.
The December meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. instead of 1:15 p.m. Advent Adventure will be on Wednesdays (Nov. 30, Dec. 7 and Dec. 14). There will be an 11 a.m. devotion and prayer, 11:30 a.m. gourmet lunch, 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. recital in the sanctuary and stroll through the Creche Walk.
The Arc chili and soup supper was from 4 to 7 p.m. Nov. 14 in Bethany Hall.
Friends at first met at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 15 in Bethany Hall.
The Hanging of the Green was at 7 p.m. Dec. 9, and featured the FLC choirs and orchestra in concert presenting the sounds of Christmas and the season.
The meeting was closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer and singing the table prayer.