Letter: Support state’s smallest learners

Published 9:35 am Thursday, March 9, 2017

As a writer, I know that words open the door to imagination and opportunity. Nearly one in three third-graders all across the state aren’t up to grade level in reading. If a child reads proficiently by third grade, they are four times more likely to graduate from high school. High school graduation means higher lifetime earnings and far better career opportunities.

With highly trained tutors and data-driven, one-on-one instruction methods, Reading Corps provides a solution for struggling students, age 3 to grade 3. Reading Corps reaches 30,000 kids every year in 77 of Minnesota’s 87 counties, but thousands more struggling young readers aren’t getting help they need. We can change that.

Bills introduced in the Minnesota Legislature this year will increase state funding for Minnesota Reading Corps.

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Minnesota Reading Corps is proven by independent researchers to work for kids — regardless of background, no matter where they live — and it does this for a state investment of only $325 per student per year. That’s an investment that makes great sense for state taxpayers and will make a huge difference in the lives of students across the state.

Ask Dan Sparks and Peggy Bennett to support an additional state investment in Minnesota’s littlest learners — and make a life-changing investment in their future success.

Martha Jones Sichko

board member
