Letter: Let the readers decide themselves
Published 11:02 pm Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Editor’s note: It is mere coincidence that the submissions from Paul Tuveson and John Forman ran the same day. Both Forman and Tuveson are frequent letter writers on the Tribune’s Opinion Page. Neither writer saw the other’s submission at any time before publication.
The Letters to the Editor dating April 25 of the Albert Lea Tribune has me puzzled. The guest columnist was John Forman, a member of the Republican Party. Directly below his column was a letter written by Mr. Paul Tuveson.
The puzzling part, of which I have noticed before in the newspaper media, was how whenever a Republican writes a column, somehow a rebuttal from a Democrat or liberal is printed at the same time. It’s almost as if the Republican’s letter is viewed ahead of time, so the opposing view can be allowed space at the absolute same time; an yet the reverse is never done.
I was taught in high school (more years ago that I care to admit) that news media were supposed to be impartial, that the duty and responsibility of the news media (whether newspaper, television, etc.) was to report only the facts, without bias or distortion. It was not the media’s job to sway the viewers. The viewers, or in the Tribune’s case, readers, are to decide for themselves.
I’m not accusing the Tribune of unfair advantage for opposing views; it just seems the coincidence is a little too often to swallow. Just one reader’s view. Independent — free thinker.
Terry Sippel
Albert Lea