Wintergreen Natural Foods Board

Published 9:05 am Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Wintergreen Natural Foods Board of Directors met April 26 at the store. President Jim Ring conducted the meeting. The secretary’s report from the annual meeting was read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was given by Connie Bolton. Some months showed an increase over the previous year, others were lower than the previous year. Current bills are all paid.

Maren Ring gave the coordinator’s report. She has checked with RSVP regarding the possibility of getting help with putting out a newsletter. A condenser motor in one of the coolers got stuck and had to be replaced, costing over $150. Maren has been discussing with the Ehrhardts about possibly having a lighted sign out by the highway.

Email newsletter signup

Jim expressed his appreciation for all the hard work of the coordinators, to the board members for their service, and to the shoppers who support the store by their purchases. The next meeting will be held in September.