Sarah Stultz: County fair an attraction for various reasons
Published 10:09 pm Monday, July 24, 2017
Nose for News, By Sarah Stultz
Can you believe it’s almost August?
That means there’s less than a month left until school starts again, and next week will be the Freeborn County Fair. For many people both inside and outside of the area, fair week is an exciting time to be in Albert Lea.
When I was in high school, I loved going to the fair with my friends in my hometown for the rides, and though that interest has somewhat faded over the years, I enjoy going to fairs now for different reasons. Yes, I guess it’s safe to say I’m getting older.
Don’t get me wrong, as a parent, I still take a lot of interest in the rides, because that’s where my children have always wanted to spend a lot of their time. My daughter, Sophie, used to ride any and everything. There’s nothing that would stop her.
My son, Landon, hasn’t quite worked his way up to that point yet, and mainly enjoys the slower-paced, more toddler-geared rides and games. Whatever the case, it’s fun to see them having fun.
An avid gardener, I’m also always curious to look at the produce that wins the awards, and each year I walk away saying to myself that I should enter some of my own the following year. Before I know it, however, another year has passed, and I have missed the deadline to enter. Regardless, it’s still interesting to see how other people are finding success.
Growing up in a more suburban environment, I did not often get to interact with farm animals, so it is always interesting to see them firsthand at the fair. Landon loves seeing the animals, too, for the most part. Fingers crossed, he won’t be scared of the cows this year when he sees them up close. I think he doesn’t realize from picture books and other means how large some of the animals are, but he gets better and better each year at wanting to get closer to them.
The fair is also a great time to try out some delicious food , and we at the Tribune always like to taste-test some of the new and popular favorites.
It’s unfortunate — or fortunate — that I am in the middle of a weight-loss challenge and that I won’t be able to check out too much. Sigh — it’s probably better that way.
Last but not least, many people come to Freeborn County’s fair for the entertainment. It’s really a great deal to only pay for parking and then be able to enjoy the Grandstand entertainment for free. Hopefully, everyone will take advantage of this opportunity.
For whatever reasons you like the fair, I hope you take the time to venture out have an enjoyable, safe time.
The fair is a great time to run into neighbors and others in the community and to catch up a bit.
Now we just have to hope the weather is clear and not too hot.
Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday.