Principal’s Corner: Be part of Sibley family
Published 12:52 am Saturday, September 9, 2017
Principal’s Corner by Diane Schultz
It is wonderful to be back at school to see our students making new friendships and being back in our school community. Connections between home and school are very important to our staff.
There are so many great things happening at Sibley Elementary: all-school meetings, Homecoming, stroll for a goal, reading good books and solving complex math problems, to name a few. We would love to hear from parents about the types of things you want to hear about in regards to what is going on in school. We enjoy hearing your ideas on activities that could be added to encourage more family/school connections.
We know your schedules are busy, but there is an opportunity for you to stay on top of what is happening at school and offer input on ways to improve educational activities. You may ask yourself, “How do I do this?”
We have an elementary PTO that meets the second Monday of each month in the Sibley media center from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to discuss a variety of topics. You are welcome to come to any or all of these meetings. Coming to a meeting doesn’t mean you have to sign up for something. We want to hear your ideas, get to know you and find ways to utilize the talents of the members of our students’ families.
If you are interested in coming into school to volunteer, let us know. We would love to have you come in and read with students, help them with writing, help them problem solve in math or help supervise before school or at lunch. Maybe there are things you would like to do from home. We can make it work. Contact us and let us know when you are available. We will fit you into our day.
There is a lot of research that shows family involvement improves a student’s success in school and student behavior is improved. We believe you will see the rewards that go hand-in-hand with being involved! We look forward to seeing you at our meetings or in our school.
Diane Schultz is the principal of Sibley Elementary School.