
Published 9:00 am Saturday, September 16, 2017

Duplicate Bridge Club

Seven tables played during Duplicate BridgeClub on Sept. 5. Winners were Loren Cleland and Dave Ring, first place; Vandy Newman and Bud Higgins, second place; Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen, third place; Edna Knobbe and Rick Stroup, fourth place; Gail and Ray Schmidt, fifth place; and Gene Muchow and Ron Peters, sixth place.

Four tables played Duplicate Bridge on Sept. 6. Winners were Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, first place; Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver, second place; Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins, third place; and Julie Prochnow and Lorraine Quinlivan, fourth place.

Email newsletter signup

Duplicate Bridge plays at 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays and noon Wednesdays at the Austin Senior Center. Players from Austin, Adams, Rose Creek, Albert Lea and northern Iowa come to enjoy the game. All bridge players are welcome to attend. Anyone who needs a partner may call 437-2750.

First Lutheran Church Women

First Lutheran Church Women met at 7 p.m. Aug. 9 in Bethany Hall. Joan Holt provided the prelude music.

President Jo Hanson welcomed members and guests. Devotions were given by Cheryl Moran, focusing on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, where readers are reminded there is a time for everything and a season for every activity. The Lord has designed a rhythm for people’s lives and they need to learn to balance their lives. As a group, they then read the FLCW purpose statement.

Hanson introduced the program speakers, Deb and Ward Brossoit. The Brossoits spoke of their journey through drug and alcohol addiction with their son, Alex. Deb Brossoit started their talk by reading “A Letter from Heaven,” that she said could have been written by their son, Alex. Bullying started at age 14 by a coach and from then on, Alex was never comfortable in his own skin. He kept many baseball bats in his bedroom as a protective measure. Alex died at 26 in 2014 after a 10-year battle with addiction. There are so many signs of possible addiction that parents never see. Addiction is a disease of isolation and connected to a genetic disorder of the brain. Parents and loved ones easily become enablers. Heroin laced with opiates is a very large, growing problem currently. Addictions can be treated and controlled, but there is no cure. The Brossoits facilitate Hope, a safe support group in Rochester, for family members impacted by chemical use. Resources mentioned were the documentary film “Chasing the Dragon” and the book by William Cope Moyers, “Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption.”

Hanson called the business meeting to order. The secretary’s report was approved as printed with a motion by Bonnie Trampel and seconded by Cheryl Moran. Motion carried. Cindy Gandrud presented the treasurer’s report.

Trampel, corresponding secretary, stated an annual report was received from Global Health and a newsletter from Youth for Christ.

Proceeds from the salad luncheon were announced with expenses taken into consideration. The income will go toward new counter tops and cabinets in the gathering space kitchen. The remainder will help pay on the Scrip loan. A new sink will be replaced in the gathering space by the property committee.

The 100th anniversary cookbook committee would like to see one recipe submitted from each congregational family. A link on the church website has been established to submit recipes, or forms are available outside the church office and the welcome center to write or print recipes.

There were 3,000 people in attendance at the triennial convention in Minneapolis. These were 12 interest groups to choose from, of which two could be chosen. A noon organ concert took place at Central Lutheran Church and the National Lutheran Choir concert was on Saturday evening.

The FLCW will pack school kits for the Lutheran World Relief van, which comes on Oct. 14. Members are asked to bring items for the project to the church by Oct. 4, as they will be assembled that day. Items are listed in the church newsletter, bulletins and on the church overhead screens during church services.

During the offering, the group sang “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” and Moran gave the offertory prayer.

Hanson thanked ushers Carol Frydenlund and Ruth Noren; greeters Gen Montei and Shirley Strand; hostesses co-chairwomen Janice Brandt and Kathy Olson with their committee of Lorraine Browman, Rodette Groe, Maxine Hanson, Marge Moine and Joanne Williamson; and caring and sharing co-chairwomen Bonnie Schneider and Moran, and their committee, who served no July funerals.

The South East Minnesota Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association synodical convention is today at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Austin.

Friends at First will meet at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday in Bethany Hall.

Confirmation Sunday will be during the 10:30 a.m. service Sept. 24.

The group will assemble school kits Oct. 4 in Bethany Hall.

The meeting closed with the table prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

American Legion Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 of Albert Lea met at 7 p.m. Sept. 6. President Bonnie Schneider opened the meeting. A hand salute was given to the flag, which was already in place, and Chaplain Kim Thomas led the group in prayer. A moment of silence has acknowledged for the dead and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The preamble to the American Legion Auxiliary was said by all present.

The group’s special guest was Paul Shea, Sons of the American Legion commander, who informed the group of programs for the new year. Karen Cibert introduced two guests from the school system. They thanked the group for donating school supplies and school snacks. The two reported that 50 percent of students need them. The school staff also gifted the group with books to give a child to read.

Secretary Ange Larson and treasurer Deanne Adams gave their reports. They were approved.

Communications were read. The chaplain reported on sympathy cards that were sent. Betty Anderson, national security chairwoman, announced that boxes of coupons had been sent to the troops. Members are encouraged to continue bringing them in.

Cibert, children and youth chairwoman, asked members to bring in after school snacks from now until the end of the school year.

The group’s membership is at 44.

Recommendations were approved to give donations to the Veterans Administration gift shop, $5 bill shower, Operation Military Kids and Military Children of the National Guard (Forgotten Kids).

The next fundraiser breakfast will be from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 29. The profits will be used for veteran, youth and community programs.

The quarter drawing was won by Betty Anderson.

The group closed the meeting by singing “God Bless America.”

Lunch was served by Schneider and Cibert. The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Nov. 1.

Women Veterans of Freeborn County

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Women Veterans of Freeborn County met Sept. 6 at American Legion Post 56 in Albert Lea.

Veterans present included Judi Olson, Julie Hamson, Deanne Luedtke, Joan Paszowski, Sandy Maiden and Pat Johannsen.

The group welcomed Barbara Babb. Babb is a Navy veteran of 20 years and is a retired chief petty officer.

The treasurer’s report was given. There are no outstanding bills.

All of the veterans brought in items to help fill the three baskets that are given away at the fall meeting/luncheon in October. Johannsen will take them, along with three prayer shawls that she makes and has blessed each year.

Luedtke requested authorization to purchase a book of stamps. Olson made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Johannsen.

Luedtke read an article about Arlington Cemetery, which is filling up so fast that the Army and Congress are looking at ways to keep it operational.

Maiden noted that urns are available for cremains of veterans. Luedtke stated that medallions are also available for veteran tombstones.

Maiden and Babb will take a picture of the Women Veterans poster and create an invitation to all women veterans and hope to post it at the VA Clinic and other places.

Maiden volunteered to deliver food donations to the pantry.

The Women Veterans of Freeborn County meet at 11:30 a.m. at American Legion Post 56 on the first Wednesday of every month. All women military veterans are encouraged to join the group for an informal lunch, discussion and camaraderie. The next meeting is Oct. 4. For more information, call Luedtke at 414-530-3982.