Governor should certify after ruling

Published 11:52 am Friday, June 5, 2009

While I understand Norm Coleman’s legal right to appeal his election, recount, and court loss, at some point his right has to be weighed against the right of 5 million Minnesotans to have two Senators in Congress working for us. Coleman’s intention to drag this out by talk about federal court appeals after our supreme court ruling, make it obvious that he and the national Republican party will do whatever money can buy to keep another Democratic vote out of the Senate. That’s unfortunate and an abuse of democracy.

Between Franken and Barkley more than 57 percent of Minnesotans voted against Coleman last November. He was the sitting senator with a record to consider and Minnesota voters wanted change. Coleman would like to keep his seat and join fellow Republicans in filibustering, obstructing, and stopping the positive change Obama is working to bring our nation.

Obama carried Minnesota by 11 percent and our electorate is not in line with Coleman’s political aspirations in the Senate. Gov. Tim Pawlenty, as a leader and political comrade of Coleman’s, should encourage him to concede. Pawlenty should also make it clear he is going to follow Minnesota law and certify a winner after our state courts rule.

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Mark Frederickson
