Letter: Community fight has been amazing

Published 10:00 pm Monday, November 6, 2017

The last thing I want to sound like is a broken record, repeating myself over and over, but after Mary Carstens, retired registered nurse at the hospital, wrote her letter, I am inspired to echo her sentiments in addition to my own. Mary was a mentor to me when I was a new nurse and she quickly became a friend. When I see her, I see love and compassion. I see wisdom. When a nurse who has worked as many years as her and seen as many changes as she has says the hospital closing is a bad situation, people should take note and pause. Listen to her wisdom. Nurses are the heart of health care. I find it unfathomable that in today’s times, in our country, in our state of Minnesota nice, that we are losing health care services, especially from one of the most profitable and pristine health care systems in the world. This is a shame and injustice for the patients served in the area. I’m proud of all the work the community has done to fight for their fellow citizens, their family and their friends. It is amazing, and I thank Mary Carstens for still advocating for her patients even off the clock. Once a nurse always a nurse!

Lacey Koopal


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