Albert Lea will host Republican debate

Published 10:17 pm Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Republican candidates for the 1st Congressional District of Minnesota will appear in their first Congressional debate from 5 to 6 p.m. Monday at Wedgewood Cove, 2200 W. Ninth St. in Albert Lea, according to a press release. The event is being coordinated and sponsored by the Freeborn County Republican Party.

“We are very excited to have both announced candidates on the Republican side join us and share their thoughts on the political environment and their priorities should they be elected to Congress,” said Ebenezer Howe, Freeborn County Republican chairman. “We have two amazing candidates, that both have tremendous passion for southern Minnesota. This is a great early opportunity for citizens to meet the candidates.”

Congressional candidates Jim Hagedorn and State Sen. Carla Nelson will appear and answer questions before a gathering of delegates and members of the general public. A $5 donation will be collected by the Freeborn County Republican Party to offset costs of the event.

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Media and the public invited to attend. The press release said it is recommended to arrive before 4:50 p.m., as the event will begin at 5 p.m.

Photographs will be allowed, but audio and visual recording will not be allowed, per rules established by the Freeborn County Republican Party CD1 Debate Committee. Anyone recording the event, beyond one designated member of each campaign, will be asked to leave.

Candidates will be available for one-on-one conversations following the debate.

Dinner and drinks will be available after the event in the restaurant and bar area of Wedgewood Cove.

Questions can be addressed to Brian Hensley at