Letter: A Thanksgiving reflection for all

Published 8:07 pm Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanksgiving grants us time each year to reflect on our blessings with gratitude and to look forward to the new year with anticipation. At the Stuttering Foundation, we would like to take that time to give thanks:

Thank you to the parents who take the time to read with their child, whether he stutters or not.

Thank you to the teachers who make the effort to provide understanding for their students who stutter.

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Thank you to the speech-language pathologists who work with people of all ages who stutter to improve their communication skills.

Thank you to all the famous people who stutter who have persevered to succeed as actors, musicians, statesmen and athletes, providing inspiration to the rest of us.

Learn more about what you can do to help at www.StutteringHelp.org.

Jane Fraser


Stuttering Foundation