Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 8:39 pm Friday, December 29, 2017

To a dock rental pilot program being considered by the city.

We commend the city for thinking outside of the box about a new proposed dock rental pilot program. The program would be for lake-goers looking to use a dock, but without the installation or maintenance of it.

During the Tuesday council work session, city civil and environmental engineer Philip Wacholz said four locations were being considered as possible spaces for the program’s first two rental docks: a location on Wedge Street on the Edgewater Bay side, one at Edgewater Park, one near Brookside Channel and one near City Beach.

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The city still has to determine whether they will have seasonal or monthly rentals.

We think this program could be a success, and we look forward to seeing how it plays out.

To a bargaining session Thursday between Mayo Clinic Health System and workers represented by Service Employees International Union.

Though it sounds like there’s still more work to be done, we are glad both Mayo and SEIU union representatives met for a bargaining sessions Thursday. We anticipate there to be at least a couple more sessions before a contract is reached.

We encourage both sides to move forward in good faith and come together for an agreement, and we hope the next bargaining session will be sooner rather than later.

To dangerously cold temperatures.

Having cold weather is one thing, but having bitter cold that brings with it increased risks for frostbite and hypothermia is another.

The National Weather Service stated wind chill values were expected to drop to around 25 degrees below zero Friday night, and drop between 25 and 45 below zero both Saturday and Sunday mornings. The actual low for Sunday night is expected to be 19 degrees below zero and the low for Monday night is 14 below.

Take precautions to protect yourself from the bitter temperatures. Bundle up if you’re headed outside, and make sure to have winter clothes with you if you’re traveling.

According to the Weather Service, dangerously cold wind chills can cause frostbite in as little as 10 minutes to exposed skin.

To the active role the city of Albert Lea is playing in street repairs.

The Albert Lea City Council on Tuesday ordered feasibility reports for a series of road projects for the coming year.

The projects include a planned neighborhood improvement project in the center part of the city, a downtown sidewalk project, rehabilitation of a portion of Lakeview Boulevard and Margaretha Avenue and mill and overlay work on Plaza Street. Also planned are reconstructions of portions of Johnson Street and Bay Oaks Drive.

Though there are many more streets that need work, we understand that it cannot all be done at once.

We thank the council for taking a proactive approach in trying to make our roads last longer, and we hope there will be a smooth construction season ahead.