Guest Column: Career fairs — An opportunity for change

Published 9:39 pm Thursday, April 5, 2018

Guest Column by Valerie Kvale

You have an opportunity to make changes in your life on Wednesday. The Spring Regional Job and Career Fair will be from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Northbridge Mall in Albert Lea. Perhaps you are looking for a new career opportunity, want to change your work shift or make a change for financial purposes. Perhaps you are looking at educational opportunities or would simply like to learn more about the businesses in the area. The job and career fair will bring together a variety of industries from the region as well as educational facilities to help you do just that. 

Valerie Kvale

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The planning committee scheduled the event hours and location specifically to accommodate workers from every shift. The location, Northbridge Mall, allows for easy parking and access to the businesses. We will have information on interviews, applications and resumes. Thanks to representatives from the Albert Lea Tribune,  Cedar Valley Services, Hy-Vee, Northbridge Mall, state of Minnesota and Workforce Development Inc. for your role in making this event happen.

What should a job seeker know in attending the event? Here are some helpful hints:

First of all, come prepared. The registered businesses will be featured in the Saturday weekend edition of the Albert Lea Tribune classifieds. Check out who will be there and what positions they have open. Then, Google the businesses that interest you and explore their websites to learn more about their company. If you spend a little time getting some background on a company, you can then ask very focused and specific questions. This shows a genuine interest in them.

Be prepared. As you visit with potential employers, offer them a copy of your resume. Grab a pocket folder to hold them; this will allow you to keep their information and your resumes looking crisp and professional. It’s also important to dress appropriately. First impressions are important. Business casual — a pair of dress pants and a sweater or shirt with a collar are great for men and women. If you are interested in a management-type position, up the ante with a blazer or jacket.

Allow yourself adequate time. Come a little early so you can get your bearings. When you arrive, take a few minutes to review the map for the fair. You may feel more comfortable if you quickly locate and walk to the employers in whom you’re most interested.

Prioritize the employers. If you find the business reps you are most interested in are busy, talk to others. This interaction will help you practice your approach/conversation and boost your confidence. Keep in mind that businesses may be busy, so you want to be professional and to the point: Offer a handshake, introduce yourself and give a two- to three-minute “elevator speech” — this highlights your work experiences and/or education. Ask about their business (your online homework will help here) and specifically about the position(s) you are interested in. Offer them a resume, shake their hand and ask for their business card.

It’s OK to take notes. Have a small notebook and a pen in your folder to write down important information. Good questions to ask might include: How do they accept applications? What are some of the openings they have and the qualifications, etc. If you have time, ask them about how they started with the company.

Send a thank-you note within 24 hours. Yes, I mean a hand-written thank you on a real thank you card! You asked for a business card — you now have their name, title and address. Let them know you appreciated the time to visit. Remind them that you provided them with a resume. A brief thank-you note acknowledges their time and is a good professional habit.

Valerie Kvale is a career planner and placement specialist for Workforce Development Inc. in Freeborn County.