
Published 9:00 am Saturday, June 23, 2018

Duplicate Bridge

Thirteen teams played Duplicate Bridge on June 12. Winners were Loren Cleland and Dave Ring, first place; Carolyne and Bud Higgins, second place; Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen, third place; Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen, fourth place; and Gail and Ray Schmidt, fifth place.

Six tables played Duplicate Bridge on June 13. Winners were Vandy Newman and Ron Peters, first place; Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins, second place; Gail and Ray Schmidt, third place; Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher, fourth place; Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, fifth place; and Barb Rofshus and Rick Stroup, sixth place.

Email newsletter signup

Duplicate is played every Tuesday at 12:30 and Wednesday at 12:00 at the Senior Center in Austin. They are always welcoming new players who like a competitive, thought-provoking game of cards. Call Joyce at 437 2750 if you need a partner to get started.

American Legion Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 on at 7 p.m. June 6, 2018, in the Legion. President Bonnie Schneider opened the meeting. Secretary Ange Larson gave her report. Treasurer Deanne Adams and Chaplain Kim Thomas gave their reports. All reports were approved as read.

An initiation ceremony was Bonnie Trampel, Lynda Harig and Teresa Raatz.

Continuous member certificates were handed out. Four members received 25-year certificates, three members received 30-year certificates, one member received a 35-year certificate, four members received 40-year certificates, three members received 50-year certificates and four members received 55-year certificates.

Committee reports were given by Karen Cibert, Children & Youth Chairwoman, who reported on Country Hearth, pop tabs, Milk Moolah and after school snacks collected this past year. School supplies will be collected again prior to the coming school year.

Education Committee Chairwoman Larson reported two – $400 scholarships were given. The recipients were Natalie Day and Ian Olson. Two citizenship awards were given to William Kreun and Teresa Wolfe.

National Security Chairwoman Betty Anderson reported that six boxes of coupons have been sent to the troops.

Audrey Johannsen, Poppy Chairwoman, announced that Poppy Day was a success.

Correspondence was read.

Recommended donations approved were to Ronald McDonald House, REACT, Commander’s Gift, Youth for Christ, Exchange Club for flags, American Legion Family Hospital Association and the Freeborn County Historical Museum.

Drawing for quarters was won by Trampel.

One verse of “God Bless America,” was sung.

The chaplain led the group in prayer.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 5.

The meeting was adjourned.

Trinity Lutheran Church Women

The Trinity Lutheran Church Women Heritage Luncheon was at noon June 6. The luncheon is open to all Trinity women. Women 80 and older are honored.

Pat Goldman played the piano as people arrived. Nancy Jensen welcomed everyone. She talked about why the ladies were asked to wear red. Some of the points made were it is cheerful, uplifting, reminds us of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Red is a color of joy, warmth and symbolizes the pioneer spirit. Red is the highest color of the rainbow. She also invited all to visit the Heritage Books, scrapbooks showing the history of the Trinity Lutheran Church Women.

Jo Meyer’s devotions were about spiritual heritage. “God’s word is our great Heritage” is a hymn that is a reminder of this. Scriptures referred to were Psalm 90: 1-2, Psalm 84 and Psalm 139. The church is here to guide and lead followers to their heavenly home.

The Table Prayer, “Be Present at our Table Lord,” was sung. A delicious luncheon followed. The Deborah and Eunice circles served the luncheon. Marlene Wright and Nancy Jensen were the Co-Chairwomen for the event. Greg Andersen, Shortie Jensen and Lloyd Knudsen assisted the circles.

Following the luncheon, Jan Drews introduced the program presented by

Cindy Bartness. A humorous and entertaining program was enjoyed by all.

Co-president LeAnn Juveland gave the announcements. Juveland reminded the ladies present that circles will be combined in July and August. Also, there is a salad luncheon at First

Lutheran Church on June 15. The cost is $7.

There were two drawings for geraniums. They were won by June Jaspersen and Doris Hansen.

Women were reminded that the offering basket was by the door. The meeting closed with praying the Lord’s Prayer.