Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 7:23 pm Friday, July 6, 2018

To legislation recently passed by Congress that would create a national firefighter registry.

Congratulations to all who took a part in researching, lobbying and voting to get the Firefighter Cancer Registry Act passed in Congress. The legislation calls on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to monitor and study the relationship between career-long exposure to dangerous fumes and toxins and the incidence of cancer in firefighters.

As of earlier this week, the bill was awaiting a signature by President Donald Trump.

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U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar on Tuesday came and met with the Albert Lea Fire Department to learn about what the local department does to prevent cancer.

After three of the department’s firefighters were diagnosed with cancer within a year, prevention has been a top priority for many within the department.

We hope the new legislation will help educate and in the future lead to future work being done to protect our firefighters.


To everyone who helped plan and participate in the Fourth of July festivities.

Hats off to the people who helped organize the various Fourth of July activities in the community. Whether it was the fireworks, the Third of July Parade or other events, we are grateful for the people who dedicated time and energy to plan these activities.

Thanks for being passionate about your community and for making Albert Lea a fun place to live.

We hope the weather holds out a little better next year.


To work underway by the Shell Rock River Watershed District to track and reduce carp in Fountain Lake. 

This week the Tribune had a series of articles on local efforts being undertaken by the Shell Rock River Watershed District to manage carp in Fountain Lake.

We have been impressed to see the numerous efforts in place, not only to tag the carp but also to track them. This helps Watershed District staff find out how many carp they’re dealing with and where the largest amounts are gathering. The information will be used to coordinate carp removal with commercial fisherman.

Though the process will take time, this seems like a better solution long-term than some alternatives.

Looking at the success that has been seen on Clear Lake using similar methods, we look forward to seeing what will happen on Fountain Lake.


To Albert Lea police officers, who arrested two people who were reportedly going through cars Friday morning.

Albert Lea police officers arrested two people Friday morning who were allegedly rummaging through vehicles in the Bayview Drive and Freeborn County Fairgrounds area.

Officers recovered a few items that appeared to have been taken from vehicles and posted them on Facebook.

It is unclear whether these break-ins were related to others happening in the last month, but we’re glad that at least these two people were caught.

We hope that means fewer break-ins the remainder of the summer.