Letter: Make attractive window art

Published 9:32 pm Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I would like to congratulate The Albert Lea Art Center on the upcoming move! I enjoyed reading about the transition in the July 14th Tribune. My hope is for the Art Center’s progress and growth because I feel that creativity in a community is a great sign of well being. Great things can happen when a community channels their energy into creativity. And being inspired by others’ expressions is a huge part of that. I agree with Bev Jackson Cotter when she states, “Art is a part of everything we do.” This comment, which is a part of her explanation dismantling the common misconception that art is only “a big painting” or in a “major museum,” is a philosophy that resonates with me. We can be artistic in everything we do: how we say, “Hi,” how we work, everything.

We are visually stimulated, us humans, and of course our other senses are influenced by art also,  but what we see really matters. It communicates more than just words. Nonverbal communication is the majority of how we understand what someone is saying in a personal conversation and in marketing.

You may be asking, “Well that’s great, but why send this to the editor?” Here’s why: I’ve never seen any of the exhibits or art in the current Albert Lea Art Center’s location. I know exactly where it is because I refuse to enter. If the window ‘art’ is any indication of the quality of the artwork inside, then no thank you. I don’t mean to offend, I’m sure there is a reason why the window art looks the way that it does.

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Just because “art is a part of everything we do,” it doesn’t mean that every creative expression is worthy of mass attention. As curators of art, I’m sure they are aware of this. How they got the window signs they have? I don’t know.

I encourage the Albert Lea Art Center to put more effort into attracting people into the new location with window art that is attractive. Because art can and will have an impact on the community. Please increase your positive impact. This applies to all business owners. Thank you to those who already have nice storefronts.

I have kept my opinion to myself until now because there has been no reason to share it, but now that they are moving and growing I want to see them succeed. I offer my opinion to help.

Lucas Schuster

Albert Lea