Published 9:00 am Saturday, September 15, 2018
Duplicate Bridge
Nine teams played Duplicate Bridge on Sept. 4. Winners were Larry Cleland and Dave Ring, first place; Vandy Newman and Bud Higgins, second place; Edna Knobbe and Rick Stroup, third place; Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen, fourth place.
Four tables played on Sept. 5. Winners were Loren Cleland and Dave Ring, first place; John Leisen and Rick Stroup, second place; Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz, third place; and Lorraine Quinlivan and Julie Prochnow, fourth place.
Duplicate Bridge is played at noon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Players come from Adams, Albert Lea, Austin, Mason City, Northwood and Rose Creek. Sessions are played weekly at the Senior Center in Austin. All bridge players are welcome to come and play. Those who need a partner can call 437-2750.
American Auxiliary Unit 56
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 of Albert Lea met at 7 p.m. Sept. 5 in the Legion Events Center. President Bonnie Schneider opened the meeting with the following ceremonies: hand salute to the American flag, a moment of silence to honor the dead and the Pledge of Allegiance. The group sang one stanza of the national anthem. The preamble of the American Legion auxiliary was repeated by all. Chaplain Kim Thomas offered the prayer. The treasurer report was given and put on file for audit.
Joyce Olson introduced speaker Sue Register, Volunteer Services Coordinator for the Hastings Veterans Home. The home primarily serves veterans suffering from PTSD, alcoholism and drug-related problems.
The home provides rehabilitation and support services and training. There are generally around 20 veterans at the home at a time.
American Legion Auxiliary member Tasha Kilen spoke about her upcoming deployment overseas. She is looking forward to her tour starting in two weeks, but she will miss her husband and two boys, ages 7 and 1, who will remain stateside for the next year.
Betty Anderson gave the National Security Committee report, Joyce Olson gave the Parliamentarian Committee report and Karen Cibert gave the Children and Youth Committee report. Communications were read. After-school snacks can be brought in now through May and placed in the box in the hall entrance.
The following recommendations for disbursement of funds were presented: VA gift shop, $5 bill shower, Operation Military Kids and Forgotten Kids (National Guard). Amounts were voted on and approved.
A motion carried to have a Bakeless Bake Sale fundraiser. Donations can be sent to Bonnie Schneider at 813 Maplehill Drive, B3 in Albert Lea or dropped off at the Legion Club. Checks should be made out to the American Legion Auxiliary Fundraiser.
The auxiliary breakfast is from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Dec. 30. The fall conference will be Oct. 25-27 in Marshall.
Bonnie Trample won the quarter drawing. Audrey Johannsen and Sharon Olson served lunch.
The chaplain closed the meeting with prayer. Those gathered sang one verse of “God Bless America.”
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 will next meet at 7 p.m. Nov. 7.