Letter: Universal health care ensures people able to participate in our society

Published 9:34 pm Friday, October 19, 2018

One key difference between Dan Feehan and Jim Hagedorn is the difference between their views on health care.

Hagedorn says he will repeal the Affordable Care Act and pursue free-market reforms.

Feehan is in favor of universal health care coverage.

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These positions aren’t insignificant differences of opinion; these positions reveal important differences in their conception of why health care is important, and why health matters within American society.

Health matters because it’s a necessary condition to be able to live a meaningful, productive and free life. If you’re always sick, your ability to freely choose how you want to live your life is compromised. Health is actually a necessary condition for individual liberty, and a necessary condition to participate in democracy.

Free markets are ideal to distribute goods like cars or pizzas. Free markets are not ideal to distribute goods like health and healt care. The market reduces a fundamental and essential good into something that’s traded like pizzas and cars. Privileged people get nicer versions, while less-wealthy regular folks get inferior versions. The problem is that getting inferior health care isn’t like getting a bad car or pizza. Those who end up with inferior quality, and worse access to health care actually have their individual freedom and ability to participate in life and society undermined.

Universal health care coverage sets a floor that ensures every American gets a fair chance to experience the benefits of freedom in our society, and a chance to participate in our democracy, no matter who they are or where they live. It’s about an equality of opportunity for all. That’s what Dan Feehan stands for — and that’s why I hope you’ll join me in voting for Dan Feehan.

Joel Wu
