Editorial: Like to write? Here’s an opportunity

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, December 25, 2018

After about 13 years as a columnist for the Albert Lea Tribune, Wells writer Julie Seedorf will have her last column in the paper on Thursday.

Seedorf has appeared weekly in the newspaper under the column name “Something About Nothing,” and more recently as “Sprinkled Notes.”

She has written about many topics over the years — some light-hearted and some serious — including topics such as forgiveness, kindness, abuse and bullying. Many of her columns talked about lessons she learned through her own life experiences, which, in turn, were passed on to us.

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We thank Seedorf for sharing these lessons with readers and for the many years she offered her column to the Tribune. We wish her the best in her future.

With her departure, the Tribune is looking for a new columnist. This person would be required to meet a weekly deadline of a 500- to 700-word column. A good sense of humor is a plus, though most important is the capability of connecting with readers.

We ask anyone interested in becoming a columnist to submit a sample column to Tribune Managing Editor Sarah Stultz by Jan. 2. Columns can be emailed to sarah.stultz@albertleatribune.com or dropped off at the Tribune at 808 W. Front St. In addition to the column example, please include a paragraph about your background.

Our favorite three columns will be published. After they are printed, we hope to hear from readers what they think about the columns. Consider it an audition of sorts.

We look forward to seeing the interest, and invite you to consider the opportunity.