Editorial: Reasonable raises necessary to keep strong employees

Published 8:44 pm Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Much has been said in recent weeks as local government entities have approved contracts with unions and resolutions regarding nonunion employee groups.

The most recent of these contracts approved were for transport deputies, patrol deputies and patrol sergeants, which the county board approved last week. The contracts will give these employee groups a 4 percent cost of living adjustment in 2019, followed by a 0.5 percent increase in 2020 and a 2 percent increase in 2021.

Though some people have said the money for these increases and others approved for public employees over the last month would be better spent elsewhere, we think these raises are fair and necessary simply to support cost of living increases.

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Many businesses and organizations are struggling to find and retain employees. We think it is not out of line to offer employees a reasonable increase to keep up with the inflation happening with costs elsewhere in life — particularly if we want top-notch employees offering services with our taxpayer dollars.

We hope other businesses are also offering their employees increases as the cost of living rises.