Editorial: Be civil with comments on Facebook

Published 8:03 pm Wednesday, January 9, 2019

With heavy comments this week on a few of the Tribune’s stories online, we would like to remind our readers of our comment policy for the Tribune’s Facebook page.

Comments are meant to be an outlet to encourage healthy dialogue amongst readers.

If you’ve had a comment deleted before on the page, please pay particular attention. Tribune staff will delete comments on the page for the following reasons:

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• Vulgar language. The Tribune prides itself on having readers of all ages, so we do not allow profanities. You can make the same point in your comment without vulgar words.

• Name calling against people in stories or other commenters.

• Unfounded allegations against people. Our page will not be the place for these types of things to be shared. If you have concerns about a person, take them to the proper authorities.

• Posting screenshots of news articles from the Tribune or other media sources. Those stories are the intellectual property of the organization that produced them and were not produced for free.

• Victim shaming. Victims should not have to go online and read accusations that they made up allegations against a person or are being criticized for other things.

• Off-topic comments.

Keep things civil, and treat other people with respect.

Ultimately, what happens with the comments is up to the discretion of Tribune staff.