Editorial: Too busy to read the paper last week? We can help

Published 8:05 pm Monday, February 18, 2019

We’ve all had those weeks where we did not get everything done we needed to. Sometimes, it is bigger tasks we did not get time for; other times, it is smaller ones.

Whatever the case may be, we know that sometimes life gets a little busy.

Here at the Tribune, we started something new on Mondays to help people who lead busy lives and who don’t always get to read the newspaper like they’d like.

Email newsletter signup

In addition to our email blast that gets sent out each day of the week we have a newspaper, we have added a new email on Mondays that walks readers through highlights in news from the week before.

Along with news stories, there are sports highlights and hot topics in letters to the editor, columns and editorials.

The highlights include links to the stories on our website.

We hope this can be helpful to you, our readers, and if you’d like to be added to this email, please contact Managing Editor Sarah Stultz at sarah.stultz@albertleatribune.com.