Sarah Stultz: We can make the most of any season in life

Published 9:30 pm Monday, March 4, 2019

Nose for News, By Sarah Stultz

Is it too early to fantasize about my garden as my yard sits under multiple feet of snow and the icicles hanging off the edge of my house are growing larger and larger by day?

My East Coast friends and family are posting photos of blooming daffodils and green grass, and here we are being blasted with below zero temperatures and snowstorm after snowstorm this winter with another expected this weekend.

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Let’s be clear — I have a love-hate relationship with winter. I love the holidays that happen during the winter. I love looking at freshly fallen snow, and I love wearing layers in colder temperatures. I love the smell of fireplaces, warming up with a mug of hot chocolate and the absence of most bugs.

On the other hand, I dislike the bitter-cold temperatures, the sometimes crazy motorists you encounter on the streets after it has snowed, and the limitations winter can place on us from being able to travel where we would like without any delays or problems.

Now that we’re in March, I am looking forward to the arrival of spring and the transition into April. All my favorite things about winter have worn out their welcome, and I, like many of you, are ready to move forward with my life. 

Spring is one of my favorite seasons of the year. The brown grass, gray skies and muted colors of winter make way to green grass, blue skies and colors galore in flower gardens.

The days get longer, there’s more fresh produce in season and you can open up the windows and get fresh air in the house.

After problems with my garden in the back of our house last year, I’m planning to return to one of the community gardens and look forward to having another successful gardening year.

Looking forward to spring as much as I am?

I’m sure I’m not alone, but the truth of the matter is we’re likely not going to be seeing it anytime in the immediate future.

So, instead of milling around complaining about the weather, let’s make these last few weeks of winter the best they can be. It can’t be too much longer!

If you haven’t been outside and made a snowman with your children or grandchildren yet, take them up on it this week. Or even better, consider having a little fun with them on a nearby sledding hill.

They’ll look back on the memories shared with fondness, and the fun experiences just might help make this long winter season a little more bearable.

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears ever Tuesday.