Letter: People were poor role models

Published 8:54 pm Thursday, November 21, 2019

In response to Jennifer Vogt-Erickson’s column, I want to point her in the direction of the editorial written by the Austin Daily Herald editorial board. I saw the video of the town hall, and I was utterly appalled the entire time by how people were treating our Congressman Jim Hagedorn. Screaming, laughing and hushing were only a few of the ridiculous things protesters tried to do to throw Congressman Hagedorn off and prevent him from answering his constituents’ questions, which I thought is what they wanted him to do. How is he supposed to answer questions if he can’t even hear himself think? I am very impressed with the Austin Daily Herald editorial board for describing what really happened at the town hall when so often we see the media against Republicans and the issues they support. For example, ABC 6 News recently had to issue a correction on one of their stories regarding Congressman Hagedorn’s stance on health care. Despite that correction, which they had to issue due to not properly vetting some of their sources (an amateur mistake), Dan Feehan, who is running against Congressman Hagedorn, has not taken down that article (or even corrected himself) on his campaign Facebook page, deliberately promoting fake news.

As an Albert Lea High School Student, I don’t believe that the people who promote fake news, jeer at a Congressman trying to answer his constituent’s questions and ridicule people who disagree with them should be my role model or the role model of my peers.

Connor Ravlin

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