Editorial: Have some fun with Leap Day

Published 8:07 pm Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Every four years, an extra day is added to the calendar at the end of February, giving the month 29 days instead of the usual 28.

Leap day, as it is known, has origins in one fashion or another dating back to 46 B.C. with Roman dictator Julius Caesar. It happens to keep the calendar year synchronized with the seasons and astronomical events.

The need for leap day comes because it takes the earth about 365 1/4 days to orbit the sun instead of a precise 365 days. When you add up that extra quarter of a day every four years, that equates to one extra day.

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Many take advantage of leap years, whether it be through proposals or marriages or other fun activities at schools.

We encourage you to have a little fun with it, too.

This year on leap day, which is Saturday, do something you wouldn’t normally do or make an effort for it to be a special day.

For those people whose birthdays or anniversaries fall on leap day, make sure to have an extra special celebration this year.