April Jeppson: A realization that life was slightly off balance

Published 7:40 pm Friday, April 17, 2020

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Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

April Jeppson


We’ve been doing this for a while now. We bought the masks. We keep our distance when out and about. We’ve relearned how to cook. We’ve figured out how to make Zoom conference calls. We are starting to get the hang of this homeschool thing. We’ve become accustomed to ordering food for pick-up. We’ve polished our own nails. We’ve made all the carbs. We video call our friends and family instead of getting together for dinner. We are starting to get the hang of this, or at least I think I am.

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This week already feels better than the last. I don’t feel so lost and empty. I’m starting to adjust to being home more. I’m equally busy, but it’s a different kind of busy. I’m not rushing from work to drop off kids to grab groceries to head back to work. I’m not busy for the sake of staying busy. The things that occupy my time now are more purposeful.

I’m busy learning how my third grader does math. I’m busy in the kitchen making things from scratch that would make my grandmother proud. I’m busy at night decluttering my house and actually spending time with my family. I’m no longer mindlessly busy. The items that take up my day are needed. They are things that have been put on the back burner for too long. They are things that I probably should have been doing a long time ago but was too busy to get to. Too busy being distracted by things that, honestly, weren’t that important.

It’s a status symbol to be busy. It makes you look cool and feel important if you’re constantly tired and on the go and rush rush rush. It’s a different level of keeping up with the Joneses. Oh, you work 40 hours? I work 45. Oh, your kids are in two sports? Mine are in three. No one seemed to have time for anything a few months ago. Everyone was spread so thin.

I pride myself on taking life slow. I enjoy eating at the dinner table and not over-scheduling my kids. However, I also like to stay busy. Why? Because it’s exciting and fun for me. This last month has shown me that my life was becoming slightly off balance. I used to cook from scratch all the time. I used to play board games with my husband. I used to go for walks with my family, but lately I’ve just been too busy. Too busy to just enjoy this life I’ve created. What a bummer that realization was!

Well, I’m not too busy anymore. The fog is starting to lift, and I can see more clearly what is important and what was just a distraction. I am getting to know me. The me that was so busy trying to keep up with everything that I forgot I used to have hobbies and downtime and things that would light my spark.

I’m reminded how much I thoroughly enjoy cooking, and I’m pretty good at it, too! I’ve started painting again, and, oh man, I’ve missed it. Even just hanging out with my children. They are so stinking cute and funny. Have I mentioned my husband yet? I’m not sick of him. There was a reason I married him after only six months of dating. He’s so fun and kind and he gets me. I almost forgot how good we are together.

Don’t get me wrong. There are lots of things that I miss. There are adventures I’m excited to take and people I can’t wait to hug. That is perhaps an column for next week. For now I’m going to focus on slowing down and just appreciating all that I do have. Life is good. It’s slower, but it’s good.

Albert Lean April Jeppson is a wife, mom, coach and encourager of dreams.