Albert Lea students, staff asked to follow set safety protocol

Published 8:21 pm Friday, August 21, 2020

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This school year is sure to be different than any other. To keep staff and students as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Albert Lea school district has several safety measures in place.

The following is an overview of these safety protocols:

• Every student and staff member will have their temperature checked through an automated scanning system when they enter the building.

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• Every student and staff member will be asked screening questions related to COVID-19 on a daily basis.

• Masks will be worn by all students and staff members during regular instruction. If a student cannot wear a mask, the district will work with the student’s family to develop the best solution in the best interest of the child.

— Information from the Albert Lea Area Schools website


What will happen if my student tests positive for COVID-19?

If your student tests positive for COVID-19, he or she will be directed by your medical provider or the Minnesota Department of Health to stay home at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and until there is no fever for 24 hours without medication and improved symptoms. Siblings and household members should stay home for 14 days.

The Minnesota Department of Health will then direct further action, including contract tracing and support.

The department will contact your child’s school and parents or guardians and identify who had close contact with your student (who was within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more). Those people will be directed to stay home for 14 days. If you choose to test and are negative, you must still stay home 14 days.

Classroom teachers and students who are identified as having close contact will be directed to go home and quarantine.

If a teacher is not ill, they will continue teaching their close-contact quarantine students for 14 days.

If a teacher is ill, a substitute will be assigned in their place for up to 14 days for the quarantined students. A substitute will also be needed for students not quarantined.


Cleaning safety measures in place for the Albert Lea school district

• The district will provide disinfecting spray and paper towels in each classroom.

• Custodians will disinfect high-touch areas multiple times throughout the day.

• On Fridays, custodians will deep-clean in every classroom and public space.

• Hand sanitizer and portable hand sanitizers will be distributed throughout the district.

• Most elementary classrooms have handwashing sinks.

• Buses will be disinfected between routes.

• Signs at each building will be posted to illustrate distancing and handwashing.

• The district is using Re-juv-nal for the classroom disinfectant/cleaner and Purtabs as the fogging agent. Both are used in a diluted state.

— Information from Steve Anderson, director of facilities and transportation, with Albert Lea Area Schools