Calvary Baptist Church celebrates 135th anniversary

Published 8:27 am Friday, April 24, 2009

Calvary Baptist Church will celebrate its 135 years of history in Albert Lea Sunday.

There will be a program for the public at 1:30 p.m. Former pastors who have returned for the celebration will be recognized. These include the Revs. Frank Armstrong, Art DeNeui, Joel DeNeui and Roger Davies.

There will be prayers, a section on little-known facts about the church by Roger Lonning, words by Deacon Doug Jensen and youth pastor, Mark Miller, and music by The Calvary Connection and the ladies’ trio.

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Bob Anderson is the church historian. He has been a member of the church since 1950, but said he has been attending since 1939, when his mother carried him into church.

According to the book, “150 Years of Albert Lea Churches,” the work of the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Baptists in Albert Lea dates back as far as 1872. At that time, the Rev. Adolph Carlsen from Clarks Grove began to hold meetings in Albert Lea.

On Feb. 14, 1874, a group of interested people met in a home at 1018 W. Front St., beginning the Scandinavian Union Baptist Church of Albert Lea, with a charter membership of 12. Carlsen was called to be the first pastor and served for five years. By that time, the membership had increased to 66 members.

Later, the church changed its name to The First Danish Norwegian Baptist Church. After meetings in homes, halls and schools, a church building was constructed at West College Street and Euclid Avenue and dedicated in June 1876. Sunday School was organized in 1885 and the women of the church organized in 1883, calling themselves “The Sister Society.”

In 1925, the old wood building was torn down and a new brick building erected. It was dedicated on March 21, 1926. The name was then changed to the present name, Calvary Baptist Church.

When the church needed more room, a committee was formed in 1967 to plan new construction. Four months after celebrating its 100th anniversary, in June 1974, the first service was held in the new church building at 2016 Bridge Ave. In 1976, 16 additional rooms were added.

The current pastor is the Rev. Bob Weniger.

Calvary’s ministries include: prayer partners, Praise Band, ladies’ circles and the American Baptist Women. There is also AWANA, a Bible-based, nondenominational Christian ministry. Children ages 4 years through 12th grade meet each Wednesday evening from September through April.

The church’s yearly events include a church fair booth, vacation Bible school and Fall Fun Fest, a Christian alternative to Halloween.