Stage Left: Get ready to laugh with ACT’s ‘Drinking Habits’

Published 8:45 pm Friday, October 4, 2024

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Stage Left by Gary Schindler

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” This 1808 quote from a Sir Walter Scott poem captures the gist of “Drinking Habits”: the season opening show for Albert Lea Community Theatre.

Gary Schindler

At first glance you would not expect to associate a reference of this nature directed toward the nuns of the Sisters of Perpetual Sewing, a tiny convent at the risk of closing, but these are dire times for the sisters. While their mission is to mend vestments for the Pope; the sisters have a blessed talent for brewing grape juice but also “Devil’s Delight,” “Satan’s Toilet Water,” “Devils Hair Tonic,” “You Know What,” or in other words wine — delicious, fermented juice. From the sales of wine, which helps “ to raise the spirits of the townspeople,” comes the cash to keep the convent open.

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The cast of eight nimble deceivers have a mix of motives for keeping the wine distillery flowing, persuading church authorities to keep the convent open, to protect or reveal the mess of spies within the flock, and still others wish to expose the whole operation to advance their careers in journalism.

You may need a scorecard to keep this amalgamation straight. Here it is:

• Father Chenile (Mark Place) believes that “Father Paul” is a spy from Rome to remove him from the parish.

• Mother Superior (Michelle Supalla) has been deceived for years about the wine operation. She believes that Sister Mary Catherine is a spy from Rome and that “Sister Mary Mary” is a real sister.

• Sister Augusta (Kristi White) is practiced at deception to keep the whole operation on track and a secret from the Mother Superior.

• Sister Philemena (Amber Mattson) is the most innocent of the bunch and shows mild to extreme outrage about the lies, deception and ill-gotten gains, but she is intent to keep the bottles and cash rolling to supply the needs of the townspeople and the convent.

• Sally (Heather Kohler) is an opportunistic journalist hoping to blow the lid or cork off of the operation. She becomes “Sister Mary Mary” to achieve her ends.

• Paul (Adam Odegaard) is Sally’s press partner and jilted boyfriend who takes on the guises of “Father Paul,” “Sister Paula,” and “Bishop Redding.” “Sister Paula” is enlisted to spy on Sister Mary Catherine.

• Sister Mary Catherine (Kris Bartley) is a novice nun weeks away from full nun-hood.

• George (Dan Bell) is the convent groundskeeper … “treading the path of sin.” Father Chenile asks George to spy on “Father Paul.” George will become “Father George” at some point — naturally!

The shifting roles and cast of spies, real or mistaken, is established in Act One. Act Two is a torrent of confessions, revelations, and professions. None will be revealed here so as not to spoil the multitude of surprises in the second act.

The performances in “Drinking Habits” are solid across the board. The characters are well established, and the timing of the dialogue is crisp. Watch and listen closely because the laughs come a mile a minute. “Drinking Habits” is laugh-out-loud funny much of its 110-minute run. In addition, you will find a simple but effective set and costuming that is appropriate for all of the roles.

Gary Schindler is a guest ACT reviewer, retired dean of student affairs at Riverland Community College, District 241 School Board vice chair and adjunct history faculty at Riverland Community College.