Letter: Save democracy from a homegrown terrorist attack

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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The American coalition to save democracy from the project 2025’s home grown terrorist attack on our American government now includes Wyoming traditional Republican Liz Cheney, who has endorsed VP Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz to lead the offense.

The March Republican presidential primary records 1,732 Freeborn County people embracing MAGA’s path to execute an end to American democracy by casting their votes for the enforcer of project 2025 — Trump. All 1,732 rejected wisdom, common sense plus critical thinking. None of them are traditional Republicans.

With Secretary of State Steve Simon we are safe from unconstitutional voter suppression. In fact, the only way the MAGA’s can win a national election is to cheat.

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An example of MAGA’s cheating is Greg Palast’s documentary — Vigilantes Inc. — a free video to access anytime at gregpalast.com. This documentary records firsthand how voter suppression targets democratic party voters wherever the MAGA’s have control over a state legislature. MAGA cheating has illegally disenfranchised thousands of Americans from casting their votes.

The Daily Docket at democracydocket.com reports how their pro-democracy attorneys defend democracy by filing 112 pro voting lawsuits and 124 lawsuits against voter suppression. So far these defenders of democracy have 205 wins and 86 losses across America.

MAGA Congressman Brad Finstad did his part to execute project 2025 by voting to shut down the American government. Creating chaos is one of the many terrorist acts of project 2025 to end our freedom to live in a democracy. Other project 2025 terrorist acts include arresting millions of people on day one, firing tens of thousands of civil servants on day one then replacing them with fake civil servants to execute the end of American democracy at every jurisdictional level, and completing this terrorist plan with an Authoritarian dictator/enforcer.

The best place for you to educate yourself about project 2025 can be located at the mediamatters.org webpage. There is a guide on how to review the 920 pages of project 2025 before you vote.

Vote for the Democratic Farmer Labor party candidates at all levels on the ballot because your democracy needs you now.

Ted Hinnenkamp
Albert Lea