Superintendent needs lower salary

Published 8:40 am Wednesday, February 18, 2009

To Albert Lea school board:

I hope you realize that the upcoming retirement of our superintendent is your golden opportunity to really do the district a good turn! I realize you are under a lot of pressure to hire the best replacement you can find, and therewith lies the opportunity. These are different times than usual, and I am disgusted that the replacement person often starts at the salary the outgoing person was paid. Why?

If you are looking for the easy way, you will follow that trail. With a declining economy, why don’t you attempt to promote from within the system? If you have or can find someone with forward ideas don’t be afraid to give them a try. I feel, and I am sure I am not alone, that offering the selected person a starting salary with possible advancement as experience and the economy demands, will do more, than an a thoroughly experienced older person will.

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I don’t think what neighboring schools are paying or offering should enter your thinking.

In my 83 years of life I have seen many qualified young people with new ideas passed over, and never given a chance. Do you honestly expect anyone looking for a position to retire from, be as open-minded and as willing to evaluate and possibly try newer ideas, as new blood, on the way up the ladder?

As these times evolve, we will all be tightening our belts, so use this opportunity now. I feel a suitable prospective should be offered the chance to state what would be the lowest salary they would consider.

Burt Borchert

Albert Lea