7 decades of Valentines
Published 9:22 am Friday, February 13, 2009
We’ve had a lot of trials and tribulations, but we love each other,” is the comment of Virginia Higgins as she and her husband, Bernard, prepare to spend another Valentine’s Day together.
“We were childhood sweethearts and I was the girl of his dreams,” she added.
This couple, who are looking forward to celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary in July, were born in Albert Lea and grew up in the same part of the city. She lived on River Lane, a street which no longer exists and located somewhat close to the present East Front Street bridge and the Albert Lea Aquatic Center area. He grew up on Frank Avenue, about a block away. However, they didn’t go to the same school. He went to St. Theodore’s School and she attended public school.
“I was the youngest of 13 children, and both my parents were born in Norway,” she explained.
“Bernard and one of my brothers were pals,” is one way she describes as to how they became better acquainted and a couple.
Bernard, who says he is of Irish descent and the youngest of six children, and Virginia were married in Mason City, Iowa, on July 7, 1939.
“I spent 40 years at the Wilson plant in the mechanical department,” he commented. He retired in 1982. She was the housekeeper at St. Theodore’s Church parish house or rectory for 30 years.
During the early part of their married life they lived on River Lane and he usually went to and from the Wilson plant by going across what then was known as the “walking bridge.” (This was before there was an East Front Street bridge and the only way Wilson plant workers could go from the south side of the city to their jobs and home again if walking was on the somewhat narrow walkway that was part of the Milwaukee Railroad bridge across what’s still known as the Channel. The walkway is still part of the present bridge.)
The Higgins had nine children, seven girls and two boys, and seven are still living. They are: Patricia, Rochester; Bernadette, Canton, Ga.; Stephen, Loretto (located west of the Twin Cities); Cathy, Manchester; Julie, Lakeville; Colleen, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Greg, Owatonna. Diane and Debra are deceased.
All nine graduated from Albert Lea High School. They have 32 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren.
The couple have lived in their present home on Grace Street for 44 years. Bernard, or “Bernie,” worked part-time at Herbergers, was a surrogate father for the Freeborn County court system, and later was employed at Bonnerup’s Funeral Service. His main hobby is woodworking and she helps with lunchtime duties at St. Theodore’s School.
They plan to observe Valentine’s Day with a Sunday visit to Greg’s home in Owatonna to celebrate seven family birthdays based on this part of the year.
And their 70th wedding anniversary will be celebrated a few days earlier on July 4 with a super salute by the fireworks display over Fountain Lake.