DNR asks watercraft owners to take survey

Published 2:55 pm Saturday, December 20, 2008

If you own a watercraft, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wants your opinion about boatlifts, docks and platforms. The information will supplement public meeting feedback contributing to the DNR’s rulemaking process for structures in public waters.

Watercraft owners are invited to go online by Jan. 19 to take this first-ever, 27-question survey.

The DNR will name members for an advisory committee before the end of the year to provide input and review drafts of the rules revisions. A period for public comments and a public hearing on the proposed rules will take place in 2009. New rules are expected to go into effect Jan.15, 2010.

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Legislation passed earlier this year requires the DNR to update rules and permit requirements on structures allowed in public waters by January 2010.

Those who do not have access to the survey online can call (651) 259-5700 to request a paper copy. Results of the survey will be available online shortly after the deadline.

Minnesota has more than 880,000 licensed watercraft and is the third largest in per-capita watercraft ownership in the United States.

Those who don’t own boats but who would like to express their opinion on structures in public waters can send comments via e-mail to  or mail their comments to Docks and Structures Survey, DNR, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul 55155.

The Web site is https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=2tc4z9FhIOf43XBxeucx1Q_3d_3d.