Thanks for support of the fundraiser
Published 4:00 pm Saturday, May 22, 2010
On behalf of Youth For Christ, The Rock, I wish to extend a HUGE thank you to all the 200-plus attendees to our recent ice cream event (many of which are faithful donors); our Kidz Rock Choir; Mary Wayne, the wonderful choir director, Peter and Rachelle Benson and their boys from Faribault, our hard-working committee members; Jan Overgaard, Paul Overgaard, Marcia Habben, Terri Stadheim, Pat Arends, youth Calvin Peterson and our fabulous YFC staff.
We, at Youth For Christ, worked with over 600 different youth this past year. We interact with many of their families, and we work steadily to reach kids, change lives and develop leaders. We care about these youth. Thank you for supporting us!
If you ever have any questions for us, please do not hesitate to call me at 373-1015.
Each month we have a one hour informational presentation. We would like to extend an invitation to you, where you will learn all about Youth For Christ, The Rock, and what we do, including hearing from a youth firsthand about the impact of Youth For Christ. Our summer dates are 6 p.m. June 7, 11:30 a.m. July 12 and 6 p.m. Aug. 23. A free meal of pizza and salad serving begins 15 minutes prior at The Rock, 116 W. Clark St. Please RSVP at 373-1015.
Thank you.
Robin Gudal
Albert Lea