‘Freedom is our best ally’

Published 11:16 am Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today we present quotations on the First Amendment:

“I support the right of free speech. Although, I usually try to hold out for a hefty honorarium.” — Jeff MacNelly, cartoonist, 1997

“Liberty consists in the ability to choose.” — Simone Weil, French philosopher, 1943

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“I’m tryin’ to walk the edge. I’m going to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.” — Ice-T, musician, actor, 1992

“If people lose faith in their newspapers, they will not defend them.” — John Hughes, former editor, Deseret Morning News, Salt Lake City, 1979

“America is a nation of many faiths and common values, and bigotry toward anyone because of their beliefs is unacceptable.” — The Rev. Al Sharpton, activist, 2007

“It’s not love that means never having to say you’re sorry, it’s the First Amendment.” — Editorial, The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, 1997

“Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit …America must remain freedom’s staunchest friend, for freedom is our best ally.” — Ronald Reagan, 40th U.S. president, 1985

“Give the government the tools to punish those it doesn’t like or silence what it doesn’t want to hear, and you undermine democracy. Give people the tools to choose what they see and hear, and you enhance democracy.” — Sumner Redstone, executive chairman, Viacom and CBS, 2006

“Justice must not only be done; it must also be seen.” — T.S. Ellis, U.S. district judge, 2007

“The First Amendment doesn’t exist so we can freely praise our public officials. It exists so we can freely criticize our public officials.” — Chris Lamb, educator, College of Charleston, S.C., 1998