Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Functional strength training has many health benefits

The term “functional strength” seems to be getting a lot of attention in the fitness industry these days, ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Are you ready for a dog?

Dogs are referred to as “Man’s Best Friend” for a reason.

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Rock on Ice

Families gathered Feb. 3 at Academy Park for the Rock On Ice event, skating while DJ Abrego played ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Developing a new local sport

After realizing that taking her daughter back and forth between Albert Lea and Owatonna for gymnastics classes wouldn’t ...

Albert Lea Magazine

‘We focus on a true custom design’

Woodworking company transitions to a new owner

Albert Lea Magazine

Albert Lea native shares experiences cooking for music icon

There were a few kitchens between Albert Lea and Paisley Park. Some of the most influential for Minneapolis ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Why I love Albert Lea?

Why do I love Albert Lea?

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Colmn: CBD oil for dogs —it can have life-saving benefits

Over the past two years I have seen the use of CBD become the hottest herb in the ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: All strength training is not created the same

Strength training, as you know, is an important part of a well-balanced fitness regime.

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: A connection between screen time and weight?

With the winter season upon us, the dark hours and cold weather often make us want to retreat ...

Albert Lea Magazine

A twist on a classic drink

I’ve never been a fan of cocktails that are served warm. So, even though the weather outside is ...

Albert Lea Magazine

A classic comfort food

By Amy Gauthier Amy Gauthier is a mother living and working in Albert Lea. She loves to make ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Legion Christmas Party

The Albert Lea American Legion sponsored a Christmas party on Dec. 2. The event included a free lunch, ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Fall Cantori Concert

The Albert Lea Cantori performed its fall concert Nov. 19 at United Methodist Church. The 37-voice mixed choir ...

Albert Lea Magazine

DIY: A tribute to Minnesota

A tribute to Minnesota

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