Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Bridal Expo 2015

The Bridal Expo took place Jan. 11 at Northbridge Mall in Albert Lea.  

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre

Sibley Elementary School students teamed up with two professional actors to present Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre’s original version ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Gourmet Food Auction

The 15th annual Gourmet Auction was Jan. 31 at Wedgewood Cove Golf Club. Guests could place silent bids ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: The Big Freeze

The Big Freeze was Feb. 1 at Albert Lea City Arena, Edgewater Bay Pavilion and on Fountain Lake. ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: “Into the Woods”

Members of the community came out to see Albert Lea High School students perform “Into the Woods” on ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Comedy Night

Folks from the Albert Lea area came out Nov. 5 to America’s Best Value Inn to see comedian ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Trader Jack’s Sports Card Show

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Albert Lea choir concert

Albert Lea High School put on a choir concert Dec. 8 at the high school.

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Big Island Rendezvous

The Big Island Rendezvous took place Oct. 4 and 5 at Bancroft Bay Park in Albert Lea.   ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: African Children’s Choir

The 42nd African Children’s Choir came to Albert Lea on Sept. 28 at the United Methodist Church. The ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Shortstop Golf Tournament

The 87th annual Shortstop Tournament took place Aug. 30 to Sept. 1 at Green Lea Golf Course. The ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Celebrating the Arts & Artists

Art lovers in the community gathered Sept. 26 at Wedgewood Cove Golf Club for Celebrating the Arts and ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Fountain Lake 5 and Tiger Trot

Runners showed up April 26 at the Brookside Educating Center to compete in the eighth annual Tiger Trot ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Albert Lea Farmers Market

Area residents visit the Albert Lea Farmers Market May 28 in the North Broadway parking lot. The market ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Seen: Circus

Circus Pages came to Albert Lea and put on a circus April 23 at the Freeborn County Fairgrounds. ...

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