
Robin Gudal: Joy from the return of lost things

Being just 18, I had always lived with my parents. After we married on that rainy day on ...


Robin Gudal: Putting our lives in God’s hands

I have sat in and hung out in the emergency room in the last two years a handful ...


Across the Pastor’s Desk: Chaotic times and God’s peace

As the 2024 election approaches, like many of you, I have felt a deep sense of concern for ...


Across the Pastor’s Desk: Bear fruit reflecting God’s work

During this season, we are seeing many fruits and vegetables being harvested. Apples, tomatoes, zucchini and the like ...


Robin Gudal: Living an authentic life for God

I met a boy named Thoughtfulness.


Across the Pastor’s Desk: We cannot afford to lose hope

Across the Pastor’s Desk by George Marin “For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to ...


Robin Gudal: Enjoying the winds of change

“The winds of change are blowing.”


Across the Pastor’s Desk: Show compassion to a neighbor

In Luke 10, we find the famous parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus is having a conversation with ...


Robin Gudal: We all need the grace of Christ

“In what ways do you want to grow in the next year? What type of person do you ...


Across the Pastor’s Desk: What kind of faith do you have?

Two words that we read often in the Bible are “faith” and “believe.” For example, in Ephesians 2:8, ...


Robin Gudal: Lyrics behind a treasured hymn

We sang “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” one morning at church. I know I have shared the ...


Across the Pastor’s Desk: God sees us through all seasons

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 kept popping up in our congregation this summer and, as we turn the calendar to September, ...


Across the Pastor’s Desk: The story of the Good Samaritan

The parable of the Good Samaritan is an amazing story. It reveals the nature and purpose of the ...


Robin Gudal: Be awake to God’s gift of beauty

I feel like a little girl, all giddy and excited. No, it’s not Christmas Eve. No, I’m not ...


Across the Pastor’s Desk: We can find Sabbath rest in God

I’m not a great runner, at least, not anymore.

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