
Standout Student: Hattie Nelson

Age: 18 Parents: Mike and Mindy Nelson Where are you from? Albert Lea If from Albert Lea, which ...


Star Class: Learning about informational writing


Updates from Upperclassmen: Albert Lea High School celebrates Winterfest

The week of Feb. 6-11, Albert Lea High School held Winterfest, an annual school event that allowed students ...


Administrator’s Corner: School district making many efforts for school safety

Two very public events have once again grabbed state and national attention when it comes to school safety. ...


Campus notes

Hamline University Noah Hanson of Albert Lea was named to the Hamline University College of Liberal Arts dean’s ...


‘It does take a village to raise the kids’: Effort launched to help students with laundry, hygiene products, clothes and other items

Students at Southwest Middle School can now receive assistance with either their laundry, school supplies, food, clothes or ...


Albert Lea Winterfest royalty crowned

The Albert Lea Winterfest semi-formal dance was Saturday night.


Updates from Upperclassmen: ALHS One Act performs ‘These Shining Lives’

Two weeks ago, the Albert Lea One-Act Play cast began their competition season. A one-act play is a ...


Standout Student: Jennave Gomez

Age: 17 Parents: Zujey Gomez Where are you from? Albert Lea If you are from Albert Lea, which ...


Lakeview Elementary Star Class: I love to read


Administrator’s Corner: Celebrating National Career and Technical Education Month

ebruary is National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month.


United South Central places 4th in Section 2A One Act Play Festival

United South Central placed fourth in the 2023 Section 2A One Act Play Festival, which was held Feb. ...


Albert Lea students take part in Winterfest fun

Friday marked the penultimate day of Winterfest Week at Albert Lea High School, which started the week before ...


School counselors share their love for helping students

National Read a Book Day is Sept. 6, Teacher Appreciation Week runs May 8 to 12 and Sept. ...


Police respond to possible school threat

Albert Lea police received a call of a possible school threat Wednesday though after investigation found there was ...

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