
Guest Column: A message of hope for southern Minnesota

In 1986, an economic crisis had shaken Greater Minnesota. Farms across the state faced bankruptcy and rural communities ...


Al Batt: Make it a point to pencil in a good day

I wasn’t singing in the rain. Gene Kelly did that. I walked in a light rain. Walking on a ...


Sarah Stultz: Dedication of teachers has never been more clear

I’m not sure how other parents are feeling, but this distance learning stuff has taught our family quite ...


Guest Column: Five things you can do for your mental health

We are in the midst of a crisis, with a lot of unknowns. We don’t know how long ...


April Jeppson: Virus won’t ruin a perfectly good Jesse Fools’ Day

As I write this, it’s April 1. It’s the first day of my month. It’s the time of ...


Sarah Stultz: Now more than ever, it is vital to seek facts

The past two or three weeks have been interesting for our staff at the Albert Lea Tribune. About half ...


Dan Sparks: More help in the fight against COVID-19

Minnesotans are facing one of our greatest challenges in generations as we work to combat the spread of ...


April Jeppson: Reach out to friends, family during this uncertain time

Last night as I was preparing dinner, I smiled at my giant container of rice. It’s a white ...


Al Batt: I’m washing my hands while writing this

I’m trying to enjoy myself while social distancing. I’ve nowhere to go but where I am. COVID-19 has become ...


Sarah Stultz: Be part of the good amid COVID-19 pandemic

On the wall in my living room hangs a wooden sign that reads: “Believe there is good in ...


Guest Column: Business owners should stay optimistic amid pandemic

Tips for small business during the coronavirus outbreak:


April Jeppson: Living at a time with that which we shall not name

So, this thing that’s happening. It’s huge and it’s all consuming, and it can really bum you out ...


Guest Column: Staying safe, healthy and smart

Every time I pick up the paper or go online, it feels to me as if we’re characters ...


Al Batt: The story of my first and only wife, Gail, and me

I was at that age where men believe their own mythology and the barbershop’s broom had a part ...


Sarah Stultz: All we can do is take one day at a time

“Where are we going tomorrow?” my son, Landon, asked me last night.  It was a question I was dreading, ...

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