
Ask a Trooper: Helmets recommended to avoid serious injury

As we are ending the motorcycle season, I heard of an individual near Rochester, whom was killed by ...


Tim Walz: Let’s make Minnesota the education state

As a former public school teacher and a dad, the back-to-school season is a meaningful time of year ...


Sarah Stultz: Find a hobby that will motivate hard work

Nose for News, By Sarah Stultz After putting in many long hours at my garden this summer, I’m ...


Guest Column: Reading is a gift that can change the world

At Wind Down Wednesday, we had a community member stop by our booth. Her daughter was with her, ...


April Jeppson: I’m not what you’d call a runner — yet

As I crawled out of bed this morning — yes, crawled, not jumped out or leaped out, but ...


Ask a Trooper: What are rules for blinking yellow lights?

When turning left on a blinking yellow light, should one pull into the intersection? It seems like a blinking ...


Al Batt: I come from a long line of married people

Sometimes my wife thinks I’m crazy, but I’m not the one who married me. She puts up with me. ...


Sarah Stultz: Germs — they’re all around and spreading

It started as a tickle in my throat. You know the feeling: When your throat’s a little scratchy ...


April Jeppson: The ups and downs of back-to-school season

It’s back to school baby! Which means it’s time for my annual documentation of the ridiculousness, random observations ...


Ask a Trooper: Don’t rely solely on displayed speed readings

I’m writing to you to ask a question regarding whether or not you might know where the signal ...


Al Batt: The case of the purloined Craftsman wrench 

It was back before I’d ever uttered the words, “Back in my day.” My father had taken me to ...


Sarah Stultz: Never underestimate what your child can do

As I stood outside with my son, waiting for the school bus to arrive Monday morning, I couldn’t ...


Guest Column: Believing in people is certainly a treasure

In my last column, I wrote about our board member, Nick Schiltz. I’ve had tremendous response to that ...


April Jeppson: Why I choose to live life and let some things go

It has occurred to me that I probably have people out there who don’t like me. Some of ...


Ask a Trooper: Do vehicles need windshields to drive on road?

I have a 2018 Jeep Wrangler which has a windshield that has the ability to fold down from ...

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