
Al Batt: Mother drove a Vega part way up the driveway

Last winter, a woman with a pained look on her face told me that her car seat warmer ...


Sarah Stultz: There was a miracle in time of heartache

It has been several months now since I first saw the preview for “Breakthrough.” I was drawn to the ...


Guest Column: Self-examination a good start after shootings

If the circumstances weren’t so awful, the predictability of the response would almost be laughable. Every mass shooting inspires ...


April Jeppson: Wake up, be present and make mindful choices

I recently spent a few days in Texas at a convention. We had four different presenters and they ...


Guest Column: Don’t let age keep you from starting a business

I had a wonderful question from an aspiring new small business CEO this week! “Am I foolish to ...


Al Batt: She filed a fair complaint unfairly, but I listened

“I thought you’d be dead by now.” I heard one village elder say that to another as they stood ...


Sarah Stultz: The finger-pointing has already begun again

It made me sick to my stomach as news of not one, but two, mass shootings came up ...


Guest Column: Board member has an attitude of giving back

You might have noticed that our website is under construction. It’s intentional, I promise. (I had to double ...


April Jeppson: A little time away sure has been refreshing

I’m currently sitting in a hotel lobby — the sun shining through the blinds with the sound of ...


Ask a Trooper: What is new law about driving in left lane?

Can you please explain the new law that requires drivers to move to the right lane if they ...


Guest Column: No shortage of First Amendment threats

After completing a year as the president of the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists, I find First Amendment ...


Sarah Stultz: Rides, animals, music, food — it’s all there

I used to love going to the fair near my hometown in Virginia when I was in middle ...


April Jeppson: It’s true — Failing to plan is planning to fail

I finally get up after snoozing my alarm for 30 minutes. I’m so tired. I should have jumped ...


Ask a Trooper: What’s the state statute for brake lights?

Is it a violation if the third brake light quits working on a passenger vehicle? What about a ...


Al Batt: Those hazy days of summer are out to get us

The local chapter of the Loafers’ Club was meeting. “It’s hotter than blue blazes,” greeted one. Nobody asked how ...

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