
April Jeppson: We should try to treat everyone as a friend

I got into an argument the other week with a friend of mine. For the most part I ...


Al Batt: The TV ran all over us and left laugh tracks behind

The TV looked down haughtily at me from its lofty perch as I sat in a waiting room, ...


April Jeppson: MEA break feels like a short mini vacation

It’s MEA and that means the kids don’t have school for a few days. Sometimes we take a ...


Al Batt: He died in a tragic sock accident and why I like to wear sandals

I asked my father for further details on his 70th birthday, but it was too soon. He couldn’t ...


Al Batt: It’s a case of Colorado Rocky Mountain high jinks

I walked on a moonless night when no star dared twinkle. It was as dark as a dark ...


Al Batt: The interest rate is high when you borrow trouble

We talked all afternoon and never ran out of things to say. It was a Mayberry moment on ...


Al Batt: Have you ever accidentally misspelled your own name?

It’s nice to have a name you can remember.


April Jeppson: It’s never too late to adjust your lens in life

I have a good life. I get to do a lot of fun things, and I know some ...


April Jeppson: It’s such a wonderful season of the year

This time of year is my absolute favorite and it has nothing to do with pumpkin spice anything. ...


April Jeppson: Visiting home is like wearing a comfy sweater

I’m sitting in the front porch of my parents house. This is the house I grew up in, ...


April Jeppson: Family Y executive director will leave a legacy

My boss makes comments about my columns almost weekly. He’ll find a way to include a tidbit from ...


Al Batt: What part of “uffda” don’t you understand?

Tales from Exit 22 by Al Batt Boy, howdy! I’d been contentedly looking at myself from the inside. Then ...


Guest column: Afghanistan veterans made the Middle East and the world a safer place

Guest column by Tom Fernlund Dear Afghanistan veterans of Minnesota, The American Legion Department of Minnesota respects the sacrifices ...


Al Batt: The Flatulent Donkeys sang ‘Tears in my goulash’

Tales from Exit 22 by Al Batt “Do you like flying squirrels?” “I don’t know, I’ve never flown ...


April Jeppson: It’s time to talk openly about mental health

Mental health has been all over the news in recent years. Between the COVID lockdown and now the ...

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