
April Jeppson: I’m not what you’d call a runner — yet

As I crawled out of bed this morning — yes, crawled, not jumped out or leaped out, but ...


April Jeppson: The ups and downs of back-to-school season

It’s back to school baby! Which means it’s time for my annual documentation of the ridiculousness, random observations ...


April Jeppson: Why I choose to live life and let some things go

It has occurred to me that I probably have people out there who don’t like me. Some of ...


April Jeppson: Wake up, be present and make mindful choices

I recently spent a few days in Texas at a convention. We had four different presenters and they ...


April Jeppson: A little time away sure has been refreshing

I’m currently sitting in a hotel lobby — the sun shining through the blinds with the sound of ...


April Jeppson: It’s true — Failing to plan is planning to fail

I finally get up after snoozing my alarm for 30 minutes. I’m so tired. I should have jumped ...


April Jeppson: Teaching children to stand up against bullying

My son comes up to me holding back tears. I can see he has something he needs to ...


April Jeppson: I don’t like animals, but I’m not a monster

This week I was out at a friend’s house, and he has a dog. The dog’s name is ...


April Jeppson: Food trucks satisfy after parade hunger

Every Little Thing, By April Jeppson After our float had finished its turn in the parade, a small ...


April Jeppson: Goodbyes are not the end of this life

Every summer my kids get to spend some one-on-one time with my parents. It’s an opportunity for their ...


April Jeppson: Whatever you do, simply just try to be nice

I have a few different jobs, but all of them have me working with the public. One afternoon ...


April Jeppson: One of happiest memories was with Dad

Growing up, I remember my father being a park ranger in the summer and then taking care of ...


April Jeppson: Summer has arrived and ants are abundant

I’ve just gotten rid of my third ant. This morning. I’m trying to see the good. Dear God, ...


April Jeppson: Spring brings with it intellectual growth

There’s something about spring that makes me want to read and absorb all the knowledge I can. Let ...


April Jeppson: Being served with a smile and enthusiasm

This past week left me carless for 72 hours. When I word it like that, it doesn’t sound ...

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