Latest Guest Columns


My Point of View: Reign in suffocating taxation and the administrative state

As a Gen X kid, I was raised with the constant reminder that Social Security would not exist ...


Ask a Trooper: What’s that small blue light on traffic lights?

Question: I’m wondering about a light that seems to only be on at night on the traffic lights. ...


Ask a Trooper: What to do if your headlights go out?

Question: Do you have any advice on what a person should do if they are driving along in ...


Live United: May we all live our lives knowing the community cares

This will be my last regular column for a few months. The Minnesota legislative session is due to ...


My Point of View: The health care system in the United States is broken

It is obvious that our health delivery system is not sustainable. Medical care’s share of the economy continues ...


Live United: Get out there, be intentional and connect with others

In my house, New Year’s Day and the couple of days after are for the kids. While they ...


Ask a Trooper: Are message boards used for Amber Alerts?

Question: I see the sign boards along the highway with different messages posted. Do they use these for ...


My Point of View: Let’s start talking politics again in meeting

I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and extend a job well done on the ...


Live United: As we enter a new year, work to find your purpose in life

My little family and I packed up and traveled south to visit family for the holidays. I had ...


Ask a Trooper: When distracted driving turns deadly

With the holidays upon us I wanted to share a message about distracted driving. Here is some information ...


My Point of View: The real reason for the loss of rural hospitals is not what Finstad says

In a column earlier this month, our congressman, Brad Finstad, blamed our loss of rural hospital services on ...


Live United: Stories of giving, gratitude in week right before Christmas

There was a message on my voicemail the other day. A woman said she saw one of our ...


Senate Report: Putting Minnesotans first at the Capitol

2024 only has a few days left, and then another year is in the history books. It is ...


Memories: The lesser-known sequel of popular ‘Rudolph’

When I was a little girl, Santa Claus brought me “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” a book that I ...


My Point of View: Let’s be honest about the outcome of the last election

“We’re the idiots,” former Obama adviser Van Jones said during a recent interview that President-elect Trump is smarter ...

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