
Sarah Stultz: Albert Lea continues to be a city of entrepreneurs

I have been impressed in the last few weeks to see the ingenuity of our local businesses as ...


Sarah Stultz: Get rid of the wallpaper once and for all

When I first heard Gov. Tim Walz’s announcement about the stay-at-home order, my mind immediately shifted to all ...


Sarah Stultz: Dedication of teachers has never been more clear

I’m not sure how other parents are feeling, but this distance learning stuff has taught our family quite ...


Sarah Stultz: Now more than ever, it is vital to seek facts

The past two or three weeks have been interesting for our staff at the Albert Lea Tribune. About half ...


Sarah Stultz: Be part of the good amid COVID-19 pandemic

On the wall in my living room hangs a wooden sign that reads: “Believe there is good in ...


Sarah Stultz: All we can do is take one day at a time

“Where are we going tomorrow?” my son, Landon, asked me last night.  It was a question I was dreading, ...


Sarah Stultz: Spring season will be here before we know it

I gleefully pulled out my flip-flops over the weekend. If you ask anyone who knows me well, I love ...


Sarah Stultz: The cost of health care can be suffocating

It has been almost four months since my mother-in-law was first hospitalized for a difficult-to-control rapid heart beat, ...


Sarah Stultz: Take time to check out careers while young

Last week I had the chance to speak to a class of eighth graders at Albert Lea High ...


Sarah Stultz: A letter for my daughter’s birthday in heaven

Dearest Sophie, Another year has come and gone, and I can’t believe February is here again. The last February you ...


Sarah Stultz: A little kindness makes all the difference

Have you ever heard one of those stories about a customer paying for the order of the next ...


Sarah Stultz: Why is distrust in news media increasing?

A new study by the Pew Research Center is calling attention to the divisions that exist across the ...


Sarah Stultz: New coronavirus still has many unknowns

I hadn’t followed the news closely about the new coronavirus until Sunday morning when I received a group ...


Sarah Stultz: Integrity of photos must be maintained

I was shocked to read a news article Saturday in which the National Archives said it made a ...


Sarah Stultz: Does anyone else have anxiety with doctors?

Somewhere along the lines of my adult life, I started distancing myself from doctors. It doesn’t bother me ...

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