
Live United: Celebrating birthdays and building relationships

As a young adult, one of the things that I missed was having my birthday celebrated on my ...


April Jeppson: Put your feet up and enjoy your vacation

You know how people say they need a vacation after their vacation? When I was younger I used ...


Ask a Trooper: State Patrol gets new look after 50 years

Question: I heard the Minnesota State Patrol got a new design for your patches and squad cars. Can ...


Sarah Stultz: Always something new to learn as a gardener

By this time most years, I’ve finished with the canning of my green beans, I have at least ...


My Point of View: Common sense v. communism

A shared Aug. 16 letter from James Comer:


Al Batt: Last winter had been peaked, puny and downsized

The air carried the scent of a dirty athletic sock that had been microwaved.


April Jeppson: Decorate your space how it makes you happy

I’ve been surrounding myself with items that spark joy and lift my spirits for years. I used to ...


Ask a Trooper: How do freeway ramp meters work?

Question: Hello, we took a trip to the Cities this summer. While down there we came across these ...


Guest Column: The changing face of grocery stores in A.L.

Walking home from kindergarten one afternoon, I decided to stop at O’Brien’s store and buy a candy bar. ...


Sarah Stultz: Come see kites take to the skies this weekend

Last year I was proud to be a part of something magical in Albert Lea.


Al Batt: Let the good times roll—Toilet Paper Day is Aug. 26

It’s an August sublime. I’m still eating sweet corn, and the Minnesota Twins are still in the running. ...


Live United: Building routines, fostering connections at work, school

Like it or not, it’s back to school season! Kids, including mine, enjoyed a last splash at the ...


Guest column: Tips for a successful school year

As the back-to-school season approaches, parents and guardians have much to consider for their children to have a ...


April Jeppson: The last few weeks of summer are upon us

On my drive to work this morning, I mentioned to my son that it’s almost time for school ...


Al Batt: It was the first time a hush fell over that crowd

A cat owns my wife and me. We have three litter boxes because cats are territorial about those ...

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