
Teach our children compassion for pets

Our household was bordering on dull. There wasn’t the pitter patter of tiny little feet moving around anymore. ...


Today’s movies wouldn’t meet old ratings

Column: Something About Nothing, by Julie Seedorf I love movies. I love to go to movies. It is ...


Fashion sense doesn’t have to be tied to age

The Monday before Easter I had the pleasure of a shopping trip with my grandchildren. Maggie and I ...


Easter is a time to face the tough subjects

Column: Something About Nothing, by Julie Seedorf It is Holy Week for people who are preparing to celebrate ...


Gonna wash that gray right outta my hair

Column: Something About Nothing, by Julie Seedorf I used to have snow white blonde hair. Of course that ...


Mother’s unwanted traits are now wanted

Today I dedicate my column to my mother, Petronella Krock Young. As I write this column on the ...


Stubbornness can stop potential growth

Column: Something About Nothing, by Julie Seedorf I have to take some time to study and learn a ...


Wishy-washiness can stall good intentions

Column: Something about Nothing, by Julie Seedorf I am wishy-washy. I take that to mean I can’t make ...


Can’t we all just get along? Apparently not

I would love to wave a magic wand and bring the arguments about gun control to an end. ...


Society and media moving too far, too fast

I can’t believe that at my age I am writing about K-Y Date Night, which was advertised on ...


Giving the kids the guilt trip is a mom’s job

Column: Something About Nothing, by Julie Seedorf I recently saw the movie “Guilt Trip” starring Barbra Streisand. I ...


A little donation of food can go a long way

Column: Something about Nothing, by Julie Seedorf I like to eat. This morning I had breakfast. At noon ...


Advertisements make me suffer wantitis

Column: Something about Nothing, by Julie Seedorf I have wantitis. Wantitis differs fron needitis. I blame my daily ...


January is a good month to get organized

I can’t believe all the stuff I am finding hidden in my house. Believe it or not my ...


A little bit of caring sure can go a long way

We have all heard the expression or idiom, “Walk a mile in my shoes.” It means we should ...

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